Christmas in London

Okay, we didn’t spend the actual day of Christmas in London – we were in Tetbury for that – but we were there up until a few days before Christmas. Besides, Christmas in London isn’t a day – it’s a season. A season of lights, displays, shopfronts, ice-skating, markets, crowds and mulled wine.

So, with very few more words, here are just a few pics that attempt, but go hardly any of the way, to capture the wonder of the season. I’ll never view Christmas in quite the same way again.

Elizabeth Street, Pimlico

Carnaby Street

Liberty of London

Fortnum & Mason’s

And for the useless book of knowledge, the Christmas crackers in the pics above had a price tag of £5000 on them. For 6. Don’t believe me? See below. And not a bad joke or a paper hat in sight.

Regent Street

Oxford Street

Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park

Natural History Museum


National Gallery

Leadenhall Markets

Annabel’s of Mayfair

Around Covent Garden

And finally…

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Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

22 thoughts

  1. Stunning photos, Jo! This is more like the Christmas I know in Toronto. New York does it very well, too. It’s the whole season of lights and lots of beautiful holiday decorations, pretty much from November to the first week of January. The colder weather and shorter daylight hours make us go all out. I’m so glad you had such a wonderful Christmas holiday in the UK. #lovin’lifelinky

  2. The Christmas lights were all beautiful Jo (I do love me some Christmas sparkle!) I think the angel was my favourite – although the jellyfish were pretty cool. Thanks for giving me a little post-Christmas cheer xx

  3. Hi, Jo – I agree that Christmas is not a day, but a season…and a spirit! You’ve captured both of these brilliantly.
    Now on to my burning question. Who would pay £5000 for six Christmas Crackers. Seriously, who??

    1. I know! And who would only have 6 people for dinner if you could afford to buy those things? Just ludicrous.

  4. Wow, now, more than ever, I want to go to London!! Your photographs are lovely. I like the colors, interesting angles, perspectives. The angel spreading her wings. The Carnaby decorations. The perfume bottle in the giant snow globe. Love the contrast between historic and modern.

  5. Oh my God – it’s magical! Such fabulous photo’s Jo. Wow – they really do the spirit of Christmas well over there don’t they? How wonderful to experience it. I hope I can too one day. I’m glad you had a lovely holiday and are home again safe and well. xo #TeamLovinLife

  6. After following you (but not in a stalky way) on Instagram on your travels, I decided for the first time since leaving the UK 11 years ago that I need a Christmas in London in my life! You’re such an enabler! I don’t actually want to be there on Christmas Day itself but the run up would be good, like you said Christmas in London is a season and your pictures have captured that (and my imagination) perfectly!

    1. I am such an enabler lol. I could do the season in London again and again, but I don’t think I want to be there for the day itself either.

  7. Oh this brings back so many memories Jo! We were in some of these places just a few days ago and loved the atmosphere. You’re so right it’s such a beautiful season, rather than a day, and the weather made it feel just right to me! I loved your photos and sharing your trip with you xx

  8. Your photos are vibrant, colourful and stunning, Joanne! I love how you refer to Christmas as a Season, not just a day. It is a treat to follow you on Instagram!

  9. Christmas is a wonderful holiday, I am impressed with your photos. They are fascinating. Thank you for the opportunity to see this!

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