WOTY – February Check-in

February might be the shortest month of the year, but man, it feels sooooo long. It’s the reason I don’t do Feb Fast – the month is bad and long enough without adding no alcohol into the equation.

I’ve never really known whether I dislike February so much. Weather-wise it’s always the worst month of the year – hot with humidity off the charts, rain, and nights that don’t cool down.

The astrologer in me would say it makes sense. As a Pisces, the Aquarius sun is in the 12th house of my chart and that brings a winding down or finishing off and self-sabotage type of energy at a time when things are ramping up, so maybe that’s it.

Or it could have nothing whatsoever to do with the stars and just be the weather and a general case of the blahs. Who knows. In any case, this will be me next week:

Anyways, we’re not here to quibble about the ins and outs of February – WOTY is all about keeping the focus on, well, the word of the year.


You might recall that the resolutions I set myself were:

  1. Move daily 
  2. Do something fun once a week –something that doesn’t involve work.
  3. Send out an author newsletter each month.
  4. Book our UK trip and take the entire month of October off work.

These were all intended to help put me first – my health, my wellbeing, my writing career.

So, how did I go?


In addition to the above, during February, I set myself the following mini targets each week:

  • 10,000 steps a day x 5
  • Strength sessions x 2
  • Swim x 2
  • Yoga/Flexibility x 1
  • Alcohol free days (AFDs) x 2

I injured my shoulder a couple of weeks ago (don’t ask) so have missed a few sessions in the pool since. On those days I’ve gone to Plan B, put my playlist on shuffle and picked up my weights for a circuit/cardio session. 

Yesterday’s playlist – in reverse order


After a strong start in February, I’m now behind on my writing targets. As I hinted at in this month’s Writer’s Digest, I’ve been going through one of those self-doubt I’m not good enough so I may as well completely sabotage myself periods that I’m way too susceptible to. That also tends to be a February thing for me. In any case, I’m working at pulling myself out of it. 

In other news, I’m yet to send out an author newsletter – but will do so by the end of the day.


Mostly I’ve been remarkably firm on the whole no day job working on Wednesdays and Fridays – my official days off. There have been calls, but they haven’t been onerous, so that’s good.

I’ve also been busy planning our UK trip at the end of the year and am refusing to even contemplate a possibility that it won’t happen for whatever reason and am blocking my ears anytime anyone mentions anything that might get in the way.

Airfares are booked, the itinerary is set, and accommodation is sorted. Just the car-hire to go – oh, and the tiny little thing about getting my annual leave approved given we will be away for the whole of October.

This is me

I really dislike photos of myself so had intended on confronting that and posting a selfie each month. About that… Instead this month you get a pic of me in all my toddler glory – including abominable shoes which my mother (via a reply to my Instagram post) says straightened me up and were made for walk’n. Yes, she said walk’n.

What’s in store for March?

March is always busy in our house so routines will be right out the window.

We’re off to Sydney for a wedding early in the month, my birthday falls in the middle, and Sarah’s is just 12 days later.

I do, however, have some mini-goals I’ll be setting for the month – but you’ll need to wait until next month’s WOTY post to read about them. 

Your turn…

On the last Friday of each month (Southern Hemisphere), the co-hosts of What’s On Your Bookshelf hold a link up for readers to share their reflections and actions inspired by their Words of the Year (or goals/intentions for 2022). SueDebDonna and, of course, myself are looking forward to you joining us and sharing how you have focused on your WOTY during the previous month. The linky is below.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

26 thoughts

  1. Such a great recap of your WOTY Jo, isn’t it funny how Feb maybe a short month but can feel like it’s 3 months rolled into one? I get it. You were a little cutie back in the day weren’t you? I’m so happy you have all your plans underway for your trip in October, I’m seriously considering making plans soon too. All the best for March and your WOTY.

  2. I absolutely LOVE that toddler pic of you, Jo — including the shoes. I had a pair just like those! 😀
    I’m glad that February is wrapping up and wel spring into March – with welcomed warmth for me and coolness for you! Good luck with your March writing. Your readers are patiently waiting!

  3. Hi Jo, I find that the year doesn’t really start until March. January and February I seem to ‘fluff about’ and for me they fly. We all have those self doubts don’t we? so I understand how you have been feeling. Having your trip to look forward to is exciting and a great boost. We are planning Tassie in October although as we are now considering a move back to Brisbane that might need to go on the back burner. We will see. Have a fabulous March and great job keeping those health and exercise goals on track! Thanks for being a fab co-host for #2022WOTYLinkParty too – there are no end to your talents x

  4. Oh gosh, another not a fan of Feb person…I associate it with: back to school, humidity and whilst it may be the shortest month..it seems to last forever..the one thing that IS nice about it, B has his Bday on Sunday and we will have morning tea out. Haven’t done that for ages either. Crossing all the fingers and toes you get to travel OS. And yes, your Mum’s comment about your shoes did not go unnoticed..the things we had to get our kids to do!! Thanks for the link up. Denyse

  5. Hi Jo. I agree with you that Feb is never a good month. For me its definitely the worst month of the year. It’s the month that the garden dries up and almost dies after a long hot summer. It’s the worst fire danger month. It’s the month when I can guarantee that I will get a taste of the blahs. Well done on booking your holiday. Everything is crossed for you though I’m sure you won’t need it. I’m about to book my trip up to Qld to see family and am feeling a bit the same even though it’s not OS.

  6. I always think February feels so long and dreary too- -winter is typically at it’s worst and has dragged on long enough that I am ready to see spring. It was very cold and snowy and yet I can see mini signs of spring that make me so anxious for time to pass. It’s just a month that leaves me feeling blah. Your trip sounds so exciting!! Good for you for setting fitness goals and sticking with them.

  7. Jo, it feels good to have travel plans in place, doesn’t it? We are still making adjustments to our plans for Italy in September, but we are getting there. I suffered those shoes also. Mothers in the 50’s, 60’s, were convinced that they would shape feet correctly. Must have been a marketing thing….Cheers to March!

  8. Jo, I love that toddler pic of you. Well done on booking your holiday and making progress with your ‘Me’ goals. Planning a trip is half the fun and the actual journey is the other half. All the best for March and your WOTY.

  9. Hope you get to the UK in October. We are putting off making any plans just yet….February isn’t so bad down here as in the northern hemisphere, but there is a little bit of that ‘back to routine’ about it.

  10. Hope you get to the UK in October. We are putting off making any plans just yet….February isn’t so bad down here as in the northern hemisphere, but there is a little bit of that ‘back to routine’ about it.

  11. That’s spot on about the length of the month of February! Here, despite what the St Brigid tradition says, it feels like something that has to be endured to reach the real spring.
    How nice for you to be able to plan your UK trip. I hope all goes well with it!

  12. I’m so impressed with your intentional activity plans, Jo! A woman after my own heart! I agree that as short as February is, it is a busy month. I just commented on another WOTY post that we have 5 birthdays in February, 2 of which we celebrate this weekend! The darkest days are over and spring does seem reachable, and I am so ready and it looks like you are, too. Enjoy your birthday next month (we have another 5 in our family), and enjoy the process of planning your trip! Thanks for co-hosting WOTY link-up!

  13. I don’t usually mind February, Jo. Where I live, we start getting some warmer days, and the buds are coming out on the trees. Sometimes the daffodils have even bloomed. But this year, it has been cold and gloomy. Not feeling at all like spring, so I’m hoping for better in the first few weeks of March. I hope your shoulder is feeling better soon and your writing is back on track. Enjoy your March celebrations! And thank you for hosting the WOTY link party.

  14. February has been so busy here – I am pleased to see the back of it to be honest! Your March sounds like you have a lot to look forward to – hope that shoulder heals soon! And if we’re back in the UK by the time you get there, I hope you will be able to squeeze us into your itinerary!

  15. I’ve heard that lots of people don’t like February – but for me it’s the month we got married, so it always holds a happy spot in my heart. Sorry to hear about your shoulder……my dodgy hip has taken itself to the next level, so I’m bemoaning the whole ‘getting old’ thing atm – so I’ll whinge for you while I’m at it – good on you for keeping up with all that exercise – pretty awesome my friend!

  16. So far behind on commenting…lol. That first quote was hilarious. Loved your updates and the picture of you as a toddler. So cute.

  17. I get what you mean about February. I had a project in February that felt like it would never find an end — every barrier made me believe it was un-solveable. It was quite a drag.

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