Good morning sunshine

My tag on Instagram says it all: author, baker, sunrise chaser.

Yep, I do love a good sunrise – it’s all about the possibility, you see. And there’s very little in life I like more than possibility…other than beginnings – which is the other thing a sunrise provides.

Every single sunrise is both an opportunity to reset and a reminder that the world keeps turning – regardless of what else is going on. And, I don’t know about you, but I need that reminder and that reset every so often.

I’ve always been better at beginning things than finishing them – the only good thing about endings is they leave a vacuum for a new beginning. I’m the same with days – far better in the mornings than the evenings.

Want more reasons to get up and check out a sunrise? I’m gad you asked…

Linking up with Second Wind Leisure’s #sundaystills #sunrises…

Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

43 thoughts

  1. It definitely takes an early bird to capture this many sunrises, Jo! All extraordinary! I’ve become a morning person over the years but my brain is strongest in the afternoons. Lovely that you shared for Sunday Stills this week!

    1. My brain is far more productive in the mornings. If it doesn’t get done in the morning the likelihood is it won’t get done at all.

  2. OH wow! What beautiful sunrises. That is my absolute favorite time to be on the beach; sunrise or sunset but sunrise is my favorite.

  3. Your photos are always a bright part of my day, Jo. Every single one is beautiful in its own way. Possibility is a great word/intention.❤️

  4. Gorgeous photos Jo! You live in a beautiful part of the world to capture sunrises that’s for sure. I love sunrises too and in fact I used to be up and out walking every day like you and I’d capture them and post them to Instagram. Nowadays, though I’m up early, I’m not wanting so much to be out early (especially in winter). Good to see you back in the bloggy world again too! xo

    1. It’s tough getting up at 4.30 at this time of the year for sure. But, I need to be at my desk by 7.30 so needs must and all that.

  5. Your sunrise photos are gorgeous Jo. I’m a morning person too so I understand why you love the early hours. I’m actually quite hopeless at night when my brain doesn’t really seem to function as I think they should.

    1. Oh me too! Mornings are my productive time and I fade super fast in the evening and am certainly not the life of the party after 9pm!

  6. These are yummy pictures, Joanne. I posted sunsets instead for my entry in Sunday Stills because I don’t have many gorgeous sunrise pictures like this. I picked this post to link to your name on the attendance roster of the June Story Chat Summary. Thanks so much for commenting this month. 🙂 I also love the song! 🙂

    1. Thanks Marsha – for both dropping by and the link up. I’m the opposite – don’t have many sunset pics. Have a lovely day.

      1. Interesting. You inspired me to at least go outside at sunrise today. I took a few pictures through the trees, but nothing to brag about. 🙂

  7. Those are some beautiful pictures! I especially like the 6th one, with the waves. Lovely places (some of them may be the same place at different times or different days?).
    I’m totally with you that every sunrise is an opportunity. I see every new day as a blessing, especially during the pandemic, every day I wake up being healthy is a moment of gratitude.

    1. Thanks Susanne – and you’re right. Some of the pics are taken at Mooloolaba Beach where I walk most mornings. The others are taken a couple of hours up the coast at a place called Hervey Bay where our daughter lives.

  8. So glad you are back and I loved reading the words behind the sunrise times and that they fit well so you get that happening before the work day. Makes sense. I need to see more sunrises. They are truly spiritual waiting for the tiniest speck of gold and then how it keeps changing. Two spectacular ones for me were back in 2014 when I drove over to Manly before the M2 traffic and enjoyed the silence and the gradual light emerging over a place very familiar to me…and then, this year on A.N.Z.A.C. Day with the silence of many others on top of a rock ledge near Norah Head. Made me think of those young soldiers, ready at dawn 25.4.1915, going over the top to ….

    Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek. Next week, we reach the midway point of the link up with Optional Prompt: 26/51 Optimism. Mr W is back with this one! It’s always great to see your post and comments, I appreciate that very much. Denyse.

    1. You can’t imagine what must have been going through their minds, can you? I hope your week has been great Denyse…

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