May – All Wrapped Up

May began with so much promise, and … well … let’s just say it didn’t turn out the best of months.


May began with a long weekend in my favourite Australian city, Melbourne, to celebrate out 30th wedding anniversary and 35th together-versary. Oh, how I love it here – especially in autumn—when the days are mild and blue and the evenings and mornings chilly, and the leaves change colour and tumble about on the pavement. We don’t get that sort of autumn up here in southeast Queensland, but especially during our visit, Melbourne was flaunting perfect autumn colours and perfect autumn days.

Because it was a special occasion we stayed up the top end of Collins Street at the Sofitel where the views are incredible.

Even from the ladies’ loos on level 35 …

For my birthday (back in March), Grant bought me tickets to see Chicago, so that’s what we did on our first night – a quick dinner outside our fave pasta bar watching Melbourne do its Friday night thing and the theatre.

I loved it (and am still singing All That Jazz in my head), but Grant was disappointed by the stagecraft. ‘They wore the same costumes the whole time,’ he complained. ‘The only stage props were six chairs and an orchestra.’ ‘True,’ I said, ‘but what they did with those six chairs and the orchestra …’

Other than that, we walked – miles and miles. We walked down and met a friend at South Melbourne Markets for breakfast on Saturday morning.

And on another day we walked out to Collingwood and back to the CBD via Fitzroy and Carlton.

And in between, we walked some more – mainly so we could eat. We were, after all, in Melbourne and the rule down here is we can have whatever we want as long as we walk.

I’ll tell you more about that on Wednesday.

Mother’s Day

I’d not been well in the week leading up to Mother’s Day so instead of our planned picnic Sarah and Grant put on a picnic spread at home. She says she had the idea and he executed it – which means he did all the work. Regardless of who did what, it was lovely.


Health-wise, it’s been a dreadful month, and I’ve gone backwards with all my fitness goals. I came back from Melbourne with some sort of … infection, I think. The sort that leaves you fatigued and stupidly shivery when it’s not cold.

I got over that and posted this photo on Instagram with the caption: “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, and I’m feeling good …”

A few days later, Kali, our almost 16-year-old cocker spaniel went from doing the cocker spaniel equivalent of a triple somersault with double half-pike before dinner to ‘yeah, I’m not feeling it” in the matter of a day. She’s (mostly) blind and completely deaf, but despite this has been ridiculously healthy so to say this blindsided us would be an understatement.

The vet took bloods and told me to expect the worst. When she couldn’t find anything wrong, she sent me off to another who took ultrasounds. She told me her bloods and ultrasounds were unremarkable, which in a dog her age was remarkable. She kept her in the hospital overnight on a drip and sent her home with antibiotics. Not only is the wag back, but we have all four feet off the ground before dinner again.

When they get to this age you know every day is precious and a privilege, but even so it was a terribly emotional few days on us all.

Which is probably not surprising that I’ve come down with a stonker of a head cold this week. Naturally it’s taken up residence in my chest so that’s another week of walking that hasn’t happened. I am, however, on the mend.


I’m in the soggy middle of Philly no. 3. It’s a tough place to be, but it’s also a good place. It’s where most of the story happens, and it’s where you set up the end. It’s always a slog and that’s okay – it’s meant to be.

I’ve been persevering with weekly Substack ramble posts but to be honest I’m not sure that I won’t just come back to posting them here and keep it for writing tips or something. I’m not feeling it.

Anyways, you’ll find links to this month’s posts below:

The one about moors, sikes, and creeping things – and a recipe for lentil soup

The one about crossing fingers and Scottish coffee buns

The one about good news, stories of home and cold-busting soups

In the Kitchen

The May Kitchen Diary will be up tomorrow, but during the month I posted a couple of recipes:

Scottish Coffee Buns and

Lime Curd Cakey Squares

We also finally got together with a bookclub bake inspired by Howard’s End. Oh, how I love baking with these friends! We baked madeira cake, but I’m yet to post the post, as it were.

What I’ve been watching

Bridgerton, of course … and Masterchef. I’m also happy there’s a new series of MacDonald and Dobbs on Britbox.

A Temperature Blanket update

I’m up to date with my crocheted squares for my temperature blanket and have been randomly knitting and crocheting whenever I watch TV – it’s about replacing my wine in front of the TV with a different habit.

I’ll pop up a proper picture for you next month – when we’re halfway there.

Over to you …

Alrighty, that’s enough from me … what’s been on your calendar this month? Perhaps you’d like to update us on your word of the year or intentions? We’d love to hear about what you’ve been up to…

The linky is below and it’s open for a week…

My co-hosts are:

Deb at Deb’s World

Sue at Women Living Well Over 50

Donna at Retirement Reflections

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter…

Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

36 thoughts

  1. Your blanket looks amazing, as does all the food and the murals in Melbourne! Sucks you’ve come down sick again, and it’s hard to listen to your body and respect what it is saying. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting!

  2. I’m sorry you’re having such a rough month – when you’re sick, it’s amazing how overwhelming it can be. Be kind to yourself. And the loss of a beloved pet is so painful. Be kind to yourself. xx (#WBOYC)

      1. I realise now I missed the paragraph about the unremarkable bloods…I thought you were euphemistically telling us in the short para that followed. Glad I misread and the wag is back.

  3. Happy 30th wedding anniversary, Jo. Your trip to Melbourne, the Mother’s Day spread and your crochet blanket look amazing. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for hosting. #WBOYC

  4. Melbourne sounds like it was so much fun but I am so sorry you and your pup spent much of the month feeling under the weather. Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  5. Jo, Malcolm and I use the ‘walk so we can eat’ rationale too – and not just while on vacation. We saw Chicago on Broadway and honestly thought the same thing as Grant. Great show, but light on set decorating. At least Sarah had a plan, even if she didn’t execute it. My daughter called with the promise of an upcoming spa day and overnight in Miami. Not complaining, just sayin’.

    1. Sares likes to say she’s an ideas girl & had put so much thought into it. Truth be known Grant hates having anyone in the kitchen when he’s in it & if she’d tried to help it would have ended in bickering. Her supervising saved me from indigestion lol.

  6. Melbourne looks great. We plan to go there in November after a trip to King and Flinders Islands. Hoping not to catch any nasty bugs. It really knocks you around. We both came back from our cruise with persistent colds and I still haven’t gone back to Pilates even though I’m aqua jogging three times a week. My fitness levels are not what they should be. What a trauma with your dog! We would love to have a dog but have no one to leave it with if we go away (our daughter is allergic to dogs) so haven’t taken the plunge. Also our friends with dogs departed have told us of their great sadness. I recall the trauma of the death of my dogs when I was a child and don’t want to go there. On the other hand….

    1. Head colds really mess with you don’t they? We’ve always had dogs and every time you lose one your heart breaks and then the next one comes along and you fall in love all over again. I’m treasuring every day I have left with my little shadow.

  7. Hi Jo, not good to hear you’ve been unwell most of the month and then with Kali sick too! Hopefully you’re on the mend and will be right as rain for your trip down south later this month. Thanks for sharing and being a stunning co-host for #wboyc, I love all your pics and news!!!

  8. A w3eekend in Melbourne is the best Jo! I love your photos and recognised many landmarks. We used to have Melbourne weekends quite regularly but it’s been a while. Sorry to hear you haven’t been well, and hoping your feeling much better now. I totally understand how you feel about Kali being ill, and how relieved you must be that she recovered well. Have a great June.

  9. Happy Anniversary, Joanne. Great coffee share; I really enjoy the pictures.

    How many titles do you have out? If I wanted to read one, which series would you recommend I start with?

    1. Thanks!. I have 13 titles out (in 3 genres – rom com, women’s fiction & cosy crime), one at copy edit stage and another – the 3rd Philly Barker – in the soggy middles of the 1st draft. My author site is here Thanks for your interest …

  10. It really was a mixed month after such a good start. Hope that pesky virus is on its way out and doesn’t come back! Our dog is almost 13 and I fully understand your worries about Kali. I do hope she continues to stay well after scaring you all like that.

    1. Thanks Deb – I’ll be right as rain in no time. As for the pooch, they take your heart over, don’t they?

  11. Hi Jo, what a topsy-turvey month you had and I hope you are feeling better soon. It was wonderful that Kali is okay but it is a worry isn’t it? Your Melbourne trip looks wonderful. The last time I was there was for Mike’s 60th and he is now 76 so a trip back is definitely required. We’ve been watching McDonald & Dodds as well and enjoy anything set in the U.K. Thanks for being a fab co-host of #WBOYC? and hope June is healthier for you. Take care xx

    1. It’s not been great – I’ve been feeling very fat and unfit & blah … but it’s a new month so onward and upward!

  12. I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well, Jo. I hope you are on the mend now. Your Melbourne trip looks beautiful though, so I’m glad you were able to enjoy that.

  13. Goodness what a month of highs and lows and all the in-betweens Jo. I am so sorry you’ve had illness and then of course, worry about Kali.

    A long time ago my then GP explained that each time we have any infection – viral or bacterial – it affects ALL parts of us, including mood and feelings. Once I learned that I can accept it when I recall it, and let the virus etc do its thing..because I KNOW it will pass…rather than keep whingeing to B, why don’t I feel better!?

    Hopeful June treats you right!


  14. Lovely pictures and blog! I so enjoyed it. I hope your health improves soon. I feel ya with health struggles, believe me. But I’m not feeling Bridgerton!

  15. Hi Jo – sorry to hear that your month was marred by sickness (both for you and for Kali). Loved all your Melbourne photos – you do Melbourne so much better than I do (maybe because you’re a foodie?) Interesting about your findings with Substack. I don’t write separate posts for my Substack page – I just don’t have enough to say each week, so I just use it as a link to my blog. I seem to be gaining followers daily and I’m not sure why, but I’ll take any new interest that comes my way – and it makes a nice change to engage elsewhere occasionally now that I’m not doing link parties anymore.

  16. What great views and happy late anniversary. Love those murals and the little free library. That food looks amazing too. Sorry you were under the weather and your dog too, but glad you’re both on the mend.

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