Word of the Year – 2024

Here we are already three days into the new year and I’m loving all the posts announcing words of the year. Not to be outdone, here’s mine:

While it’s not a word you’d usually associate with me, it’s been playing around my head for a few months now. But why “build”? I’m glad you asked.

Several years ago I was working on an office relocation in Brisbane; we’d lost the site to floods and had to move elsewhere, but now our initial site was being fixed and renovated and we were planning to move back in. Anyways, I got to talking to the building project manager about, building, well, buildings and the complexity of that.

‘Yeah … nah…’ he said. ‘It’s not rocket science mate, you dig a hole, pour in some foundations, erect some scaffolding and then begin filling in the spaces, brick (or whatever) by brick. When you’re finished you put a roof on to keep the rain out, and that’s pretty much it. The bigger the building, the deeper the hole and the stronger the foundations.’

(And if that sounds familiar to you, I loosely based a minor character in It’s In The Stars on this dude. Loosely.)

So when I began thinking about the life and career I want to create for myself I realised the concept is much the same … well, except perhaps for the digging a hole bit. You create a foundation, some structural scaffolding, and get working. Same same, really.

This year I want to do all of that – pour my foundations, set up my structures and build:

  • a healthy body
  • a writing career with an actual income
  • a brand
  • a regular art practice
  • a set of healthy (ish) habits

In short – a healthy body and body of work that I’m proud of and that will be sustainable and able to weather the storms for many years to come.

Watch this space …

Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

25 thoughts

  1. That’s an awesome choice for this year! Just don’t go digging holes 🤣 or it will be a long way out. But the rest – same same! Great start to the year. Now to break it down into SMART goals and you can build on your successes! Bernie

    1. Lol re the hole digging … and yes, I have some SMART goals behind it for trackability. Happy new year.

  2. Happy New Year, Jo. I do think it’s a very appropriate word after reading your previous posts. Very positive and doable challenge using one brick at a time. You’ll have a very sturdy home (body) in no time.

  3. This is a perfect word of the year and perfect ideas to implement it in your life. I look forward to following your journey with it!

  4. This is perfect Jo, I love the way you think and write! You’ve explained this brilliantly and I can’t wait to see how you go! All the best for 2024, a whole new build for you xx

  5. That is a fantastic WOTY and loved how you let us see a bit of the scaffolding (see what I did there?) that was used to form the word for you.

    Best of luck… wait, what am I saying, you don’t need luck, you’ll rock your word in 2024, and beyond.

  6. Love this word – simple but leads to a complex and impressive conclusion. I’m looking forward to following along with your steps to achieve your goals.

  7. Build is a great word! I discovered last year that I really love building with Legos when given instructions. 🙂 I didn’t know it could be so fun.

  8. I appreciate your post on choosing “build” as your word for 2024. It’s a powerful concept, and your connection to creating a foundation, setting up structures, and building resonates. Wishing you success in constructing a healthy body, a thriving writing career, a strong brand, a consistent art practice, and positive habits. Excited to see what you build this year!

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