2023 – The Closing Ceremony

As I do each year, I like to close out the old year before I commit to the possibility of the new. It’s a great way of seeing what has been achieved and putting the rest into some sort of perspective. So, without further ado, grab yourself a cuppa, we’ll be here a while.

What did you do that you’ve never done before?

Because it felt like I was in survival mode for seven months of the year, my initial response to this was … nothing.

Scraping at the barrel, though, I came up with a couple of things:

  • Began volunteering with the Queensland Writer’s Centre (QWC) by facilitating the Writing Friday sessions in my area
  • Began art classes – although due to work commitments, this one didn’t last.

What was your word for the year? How did you go with that?

I had three words for this year:

Create ~ Colour ~ Change

And there was plenty of all of that in 2023. In fact, I immersed myself in colour and creativity at every possible opportunity. I visited art galleries, attended exhibitions and theatre, admired street art, wore more colour, made art for myself, created a new fictional world in Whale Bay, and new stories for existing characters.

I began the year knowing something had to change and the biggest change of all was when I left my day job behind at the end of September. It was time.

Did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions?

I don’t always set resolutions, but in 2023 I did. Did I keep them? Let’s just say that I’m finishing the year poorer and fatter (spoiler alert for below …) so that would be a “no”.

Where did you travel to in 2023?

Aside from the usual trips to Hervey Bay to see Sarah, and a few to Sydney for work, there were also:

  • A week in Wellington visiting my bestie in February
  • A few days in Queenstown with Grant at the end of April
  • A weekend in Melbourne with Sarah in May
  • A weekend in Melbourne with Heather in June
  • A holiday in Vietnam with Grant (finishing off with a couple of nights in Singapore) in October

Did anyone close to you give birth?


Did anyone close to you get married?


Did anyone close to you pass away?

Sadly, yes. Within the span of just a few months, my parents’ dog passed away, as did two paternal aunts and a paternal uncle. People close to me also lost people close to them.

How did you spend New Year’s Eve 2022?

At The Boatshed in Cotton Tree with friends from Sydney.

How did you spend your birthday in 2023 and how old were you?

I turned 56 in 2023. It was one of those rare things – a Sunday birthday.

Sarah came home from Hervey Bay and we went for dinner at Bocca in Bokarina on the night before.

While we had plans for the day itself, it’s always triathlon weekend in Mooloolaba and many of the roads are closed around the beach. We had breakfast at Montana’s on Buderim and then Sarah and I hit the art supplies store at Kawana before she drove home.

What would you like to have more of in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?

This answer is the same as last year’s: book sales – and someone to do my marketing for me. The problem is, of course, that I don’t earn enough from book sales to pay for services like that #viciouscircle so I’ll need to teach myself how to do it and force myself outside my comfort zone.

I’d like more mobility and less back pain, and I’d like to feel stronger – both physically and mentally. I’d also like more financial stability – my ultimate goal is to earn an independent living from my writing.

Did you tick anything off your bucket list in 2023?


What dates from 2023 will remain etched in your memory and why?

Finishing work on September 28. It was quite surreal to walk away from my job and spend the night by myself in a hotel room near the airport before flying home. I took myself down to the hotel bar and had a glass of bubbles and a lovely meal. Even on my own it felt right.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I asked my husband this question and his answer was, ‘you survived’. A tad dramatic but for 7 months of the year – March to September – it was a treadmill of work, anxiety, and stress … and I struggled big time.

I went into 2023 with an impending Brisbane office relocation hanging over my head so knew it would be a difficult year workwise. What I wasn’t expecting was having to do the (stand-alone) HR Manager role for the company in addition to my own facilities management role for 6-7 months. Getting through that and getting the Brisbane office move in September were achievements purely for the fact that I got through them with my sanity (mostly) intact.

I finished (and published) Philly Barker Is On The Case, and belatedly published It’s In The Stars and Christmas at Mannus Ridge. I also wrote the first Whale Bay mystery, New Moon Over Whale Bay, and made a good start on next year’s Christmas book – Christmas at Curlew Cottage.

As an aside, if you are interested in any of my books, all the buy links are on my book page.

What did you learn this year?

That you can’t continue to do the same things the same way and expect, miraculously, a different result. When an opportunity for change comes up, you have to take a leap of faith and grab it – there is no perfect time.

Consistency and commitment are the keys to achieving long-term goals, and I’m not great with either of these words – but need to make friends with them in 2024.

Another thing I’ve learnt is that movement isn’t just essential for my physical health, but I’m in better shape mentally when I’m exercising regularly. Without a consistent and pain-free exercise regime for much of this year I’ve struggled with head stuff.

Did you suffer illness or injury?

The dodgy ankle I sprained at the end of 2022 took until well into 2023 to heal. I’ve also been plagued with back pain this year.

Normally, monthly visits to the chiropractor, regular walking and the addition of twice-weekly strength training keep my problematic back in as good a shape as it can be (while supporting the excess weight it does). But, because my routine has been non-existent, my back is in dreadful shape. For someone with as pronounced a scoliosis as I have, that means I’m in almost constant pain. I need to move to keep my back healthy, but even walking has been painful. Another vicious circle.

To top it off I caught covid again in November and while I recovered quickly, the brain fog has taken longer to clear and I still feel tired.

Suffice to say I’ll be starting 2024 almost from scratch as far as health and mobility are concerned.

What was the best movie you saw all year?

I didn’t go to the movies this year – nothing unusual in that. I did, however, indulge in some romcoms (and, more recently holiday movies) on Netflix – none of which have left lasting memories, but which provided some much-needed escape.

What song was on high rotation this year?

While I listen to a lot of music, I didn’t listen to anything more than anything else this year. The earworm that’s currently in my head as I write this is Paul Kelly’s Swing Around The Sun.

Where did your money go this year?

Travel, of course, and books. Again. One day I’ll learn to restrain myself…but where would be the fun in that?

Compared to this time last year, are you:

Happier or sadder?

I think I’m happier – I’m definitely more optimistic going into 2024 than I was this time last year.

Thinner or fatter?

Fatter – I’m back to being almost the heaviest I’ve been. I know what I need to do, but my head gets in the way. Are you noticing a theme here?

Richer or poorer?

Poorer – on account of having given up paid employment.

What do you wish you’d done more of?

Same as last year: writing, exercising, marketing more effectively, and selling more books.

What do you wish you’d done less of?

Same as last year: beating myself up for spending too much, eating too much, drinking too much, not exercising enough, not being productive enough and not marketing well enough to sell more books.

How did you spend Christmas 2023?

Sarah was in London for Christmas this year so things were very different for us.

My kiwi bestie and her husband have spent the last couple of weeks with us – including Christmas.

We began the day with present opening and bubbly at home. As we’ve done for the past couple of years we had Christmas lunch with friends in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

What was the best book you read?

My 2023 bookish round-up will be out soon. While it’s tough to narrow it down to a single book, I have listed my faves in that post.

What TV shows did you watch?

  • Lots of cooking shows (no surprises there) and I loved Masterchef and Great British Bake-off as always. I also discovered Great British Sewing Bee and binged all available seasons.
  • New series of Shetland, Annika, All Creatures Great and Small, and the final series of Endeavour and The Crown. There were also a few new episodes of Midsomer Murders (but not nearly enough). 
  • I also indulged in all the fabulous cosy crime on Britbox and Acorn (too many to mention).

Who did I miss this year?

No one really – I saw the people I love in 2023.

What kept you sane this year?

My walks along the beach with hubby followed by coffee on weekday mornings are the highlight of my working day. It sounds trite but having the physical reminder of sunrise is a positive thing. Some days with all the day job palaver, this was the only tick in the box I achieved.

What has 2024 got in store for you…so far?

So far, the following is booked:

  • A couple of weeks in New Zealand in February – we’ll be walking the Queen Charlotte Track
  • A long weekend in Melbourne in May to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary/ 35 years together

I’m also planning a big trip for the beginning of 2025 which I’ll book in the next few months.

In terms of novels, I hope to publish the first Whale Bay mystery, New Moon Over Whale Bay. There’ll also be a new Philly Barker and Christmas at Curlew Cottage later in the year.

There might even be something completely new … who knows?

Okay, so that was my year. All that’s left to say is thanks for your support and for following along in 2023. Extra thanks to Sue, Debbie and Donna – our fabulous co-hosts. Cheers to 2024. 

For 2024, we’ll continue our monthly linkup at the same time and place (details below). It’s a for you to share your recent highs, lows, activities, hobbies, travel, resolutions, and challenges — any monthly wrap-up posts you’d like to share will be welcome.

Dates for the Diary:

Beginning January 2024. Last Thursday, 2 pm (PST)/Last Friday, 8 am (AEST).

• January 25/26,
• February 29/ March 1*
• March 28/29,
• April 25/26,
• May 30/31,
• June 27/28,
• July 25/26,
• Aug 29/30
• Sept. 26/27,
• Oct 31/ November 1*
• Nov 28/29
• Dec 26/27
• (The February and October Linkups will take place on the 1st of the following month for the Southern Hemisphere).

We hope that you will join us and look forward to your contributions

Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

18 thoughts

  1. This is a beautifully written wrap-up, Jo – you made me feel like I was sitting beside you chatting in person. I see create, colour and change all through your post – so you definitely lived your WOTY well.
    Wishing you a wonderful 2024 ahead. I look forward to reading your new releases!

  2. I loved travelling through your year with you Jo. And I love your travel photos. You’ve had stress in your year but also some great time. Happy New Year to you x

  3. Fabulous closing ceremony Jo, with honesty, insight and positivity! All the best for 2024 and hope we can catch up in person again. You are a very talented writer 🙂

  4. A lovely wrap-up. I can relate to that feeling of being disengaged you talked about for the first part of the year. I feel like I’ve dipped in and out of stuff, depending on work…. we’re in the midst of moving departments though, so that should make a difference (hopefully for the better) in 2024.

  5. What a beautiful wrap up Jo and I love your honesty but have to say you can be a tad hard on yourself as well. A Joyful year and you certainly filled it with colour and creativity. You look so happy and relaxed in your photos with your guests. Happy New Year, my friend and I look forward to sharing 2024 with you and who knows perhaps an IRL visit. xx

  6. This is a brilliant way of closing the past year. You’ve been doing some good things and I loved the pics from all your travels! Also I 100% support you in leaving your job if that mostly caused you stress. I’m in the same situation as you with marketing – I’m not at all interested in it but in order to sell, we have to do it! I bought an online course in digital marketing recently at Udemy that I started just before Christmas.
    Sorry to hear about your back pain and troubles, I know it can be hard to get back into a routine with exercise. I hope you find a way to get back to your strength training and I wish you the best for the new year.

  7. A lovely way to wrap up the year; I too seem to always beat myself up over spending, food choices, and lack of exercise… wishing you all the best in this new year!

  8. Jo, I do a slightly different look back wrap up for my year, but like you I find it helpful to look back before looking forward. And as I’ve been considering 3 words for 2024 “WOTY”, it’s nice to see someone else has done that as well. Here’s hoping 2024 brings you many book sales!

  9. Great wrap up of your year. I enjoyed following along with you. All of the highs and lows make up this crazy thing we call life. I like the idea of asking, what did you do that you have never done before. It pushes us out of our comfort zones. I am going to have to ponder that as I enter 2024.

  10. Jo, I’m with Grant on this one – you survived! I know we weren’t always privy to the goings on at work, but that coupled with health issues is enough to pause and exhale for a minute. You also thrived in many ways, and that is evident by your furious pace and accomplishments. I feel exhausted every time I read one of your posts (and a bit inadequate, if I’m honest about it). However, I hope 2024 is the year you make yourself a priority and achieve the things that matter most. Best wishes for a successful new year – in whatever way you define success. Many blessings.

  11. Well done! It sounds like a challenging year but, hey you survived it. What doesn’t kill you… You’ve paved the way for a fabulous 2024!! All the best. xo

  12. Happy new Year Jo – I loved reading your post. You are very honest in your reflections. It sounds like you had a rollercoaster of a year but you survived! Here’s to 2024 bringing fun, book sales and improving health and well-being.

  13. Happy NEW year Jo and thanks for sharing. Gosh, it was a BIG year before you said :”no more work” …how interesting is it that companies can ‘literally’ drive their best workers to..um stop?! I love, and always will, your frankness and candour. The spending thing, the weight thing…oh yes, I understand. You are a wonderful friend to many here and I thank you for your friendship. Have copied the dates for WBOYC for my records! HNY to you all D x

  14. I related to so much in this post! We’re the same age, and I also had a rough year at work, gained weight, didn’t exercise like I should, and caught COVID at the end of November. I’m seriously impressed you were able to get so much writing done in spite of that, though. I… didn’t.

    I hope 2024 is a great year for you!

    1. I think I got so much writing done because it felt like the only thing I wanted to be doing amongst everything I *had* to do … if that makes sense.

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