May – All Wrapped Up

Okay, it’s done. May, that is. Not that it was a bad month; far from it. It was, however, a month devoid of anything remotely resembling routine. And, while a little, okay, a lot, of chaos does my creativity good, too much unsettles me.

Anyways, let’s parcel it up so we can move onto June…


Relaxing at the Eastern & Oriental in Penang

We started the month in Penang, moved across to Singapore, came home for a day and then I flew to Sydney for work. I was home for a week and then back to Sydney.

The holiday was fabulous and we saw and ate a lot.

I have, however, missed the routine of being home – our morning walks, my family, my snoring cocker spaniel, my kitchen – and am relieved to be unpacking the suitcase properly for the next four weeks.


Not a lot given that I’ve only been home for a week this month. I did, however, attend a cooking class at the Spirit House – which I’ll tell you about another time.


Some good catch-ups with friends in May – both in Sydney and also at home, with my Kiwi bestie coming over to visit us. Naturally, they all involved food and wine – not that I’m complaining although I swear my bathroom scales groaned when they saw me approaching!


Okay, things aren’t great. I’ve had two head colds – both brought home from Sydney. The first lasted just a couple of days but this one has gone straight to my chest and hooked up with my old pal asthma.

I’m also now officially the heaviest that I’ve ever been. Ever. Some boundaries and routine and re-setting of goals and habits are required. Naturally, I’ll be looking to Nigella for guidance…but more on that another time.


While we were in Singapore we celebrated 25 years of marriage and 30 years of being together. It’s a long time but I’m grateful for every one of those years.


Nothing. Christmas at Curlew Cottage is off with my editor and I’m thinking a lot about the changes that I need to make to that for the next rewrite. I have something else to be getting on with and will do the getting on with thing this month.


I’ve been away a lot this month – both with holidays, flights and bus commutes. As a result, I read quite a bit. Twelve books in fact.

My favourite read of the month was Catherine Alliott’s “A Cornish Summer” and Diana Henry’s “How To Eat A Peach” will be the cookbook I’m featuring this month.


I finally watched Brene Brown’s documentary that everyone is talking about on Netflix. I think I’m the only person on earth who hadn’t seen her TED talk so it was all new to me and also gave me more than a few aha moments.

In addition to Masterchef, I’m also watching:

  • the new season of Harrow (ABC)
  • the new season of The Good Fight (SBS)
  • the new season of Shetland (Netflix)
  • the new season of Midsomer Murders (Foxtel)
  • James Martin’s Great Britain (Foxtel)
  • Travels With My Father (Netflix)

Looking forward to

A virtual restart of my year. June is the new January – or something like that.

At the end of this month I have my annual long weekend to Melbourne with Sarah – so very much looking forward to that.

That was my May, how was yours? Any highlights?

Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

23 thoughts

  1. Great catch up Jo! I love your reviews and Netflix suggestions. I still haven’t seen Brene Brown’s Ted Talk but I did watch the Courage show and enjoyed it. Good luck with your new year start 🙂

  2. Didn’t May seem to go fast, although it looks like you did a lot in the month. Your photos are fab! Your book selection looks good, I might have a look at reading some of them. What do you think of The Good Fight? I can’t get into it. Did you watch The Good Wife? I loved that. Hope your June is as good a mixture for you…ps I like the title of your book.

    1. Thanks for dropping by. I have to admit I’m having problems with this season of The Good Fight, but have nejoyed​ previous seasons. I loved loved loved The Good Wife.

  3. Happy Anniversary! My anniversary is in July and we will be at 25 years as well!
    Looks like you had a great month! Except for the whole weight thing which I am right there with you!

  4. You still managed to fit a lot into your four weeks Jo. All those books showed that at least you had a bit of down time in there somewhere and I’m sorry that part of it was due to having those colds. We had our grandgirls visit for 3 days – both with runny noses and coughs – so I’m waiting for my turn.
    Glad you got to watch Brene – I’m a big fan of hers – loved her Ted Talk and the books of hers I’ve managed to read. She says a lot of very sensible stuff that speaks to my need to kick the perfectionism/people pleaser part of me to the kerb!
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    1. One of the things I love about airports, planes and buses is the enforced downtime. Have a great month.

  5. You were a very busy lady in May! Congrats on 25 years of marriage, that’s wonderful! I loved the Good Fight, although I wasn’t too sure when the new season started. It grew on me, though, and I still think it’s one of the best shows around. #MLSTL

    1. I was the same with this season – not too sure about it – but it’s growing on me too. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. Jo, wonderful wrap up…I do wonder when slowing down occurs. I couldn’t and probably still can’t. I take greater gaps of time now to ‘do things’ but I still cannot concentrate enough to read a book. Or maybe I cannot find one I want to read!! Denyse #mlstl

    1. I have no idea what slowing down really means…although I have had a couple of Netflix days with this cold lol

  7. I always enjoy your monthly wrap up posts, Jo and this one didn’t disappoint.Congratulations on 25 year anniversary and I enjoyed following your holiday. I’ve not read any of the books on your list and there are quite a few I know I would enjoy. I recently finished a book, Secrets Between Us by Valerie Keogh. It is a psychological thriller which I enjoy but the plot was too obvious and I knew what would happen half way through the book. I hate that 🙂 Thanks for linking up at #MLSTL and I can’t believe June is a week over already!

    1. Thanks Sue. I’m about to start the rewrite for my current novel which needs to be back at the editors at the end of July. The end of July sounds such a long way away – until I realised that we’re already well into June!

  8. Hi Jo, A fun and interesting wrap up. It will be nice to get back into a routine. I think it helps with overall health. I love the photos. I noted the book recommendation “A Cornish Summer.” Huge congratulations on your Anniversary. A milestone, although every year is a milestone:). I subscribed to your blog and I look forward to reading more:) Erica. MLSTL

    1. I agree – I exist in a certain amount of chaos and competing deadlines but it gets to the point where I get sick (as I have done now) and where the self-indulgence has done me more harm than good. I’m pulling it back a bit at the moment and already feeling better for that.

  9. Great wrap up. Yes I look to Nigella for inspiration… May has gone so quick…Its like april we were in Portugal and Spain…blink its now June. Love Midsummer Murders…just don’t visit there…as at least every episode 3 people die….visitng from Midlife share…xx

    1. Lol re Midsomer – there’s certainly a high body count there. I have a (not so) secret ambition to be an extra on the show some day lol. Thanks for dropping by…

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