A Fresh Start


I’m not making resolutions this year or setting a word for the year – I’ll tell you why tomorrow. I am, however, continuing with my list of 101 things in 1001 days. (Don’t worry about looking it up – it’s in tomorrow’s post.)

On that list are 3 key long-term goals that I’m aiming to achieve in 1001 days ie by May 2021:

  1. Make a living from my writing
  2. Walk the 100-mile Cotswolds Way in 2020
  3. Cook (and blog) my way through Nigella’s “How To Eat”

Operation Excess Baggage encompasses the first 17 items on my list of 101 things to do and comes in under no. 2. Why? Because to complete the Cotswolds Way – and enjoy it – I need to be:

  1. lighter than I am now – for both heart and joint health
  2. stronger than I am now
  3. more flexible than I am now
  4. mentally and emotionally more resilient than I am now
  5. more financially healthy than I am now

The baggage I’m referring to isn’t just extra weight – it’s pretty much any habit or perception (and trust me, I have plenty) that holds me back from achieving my goals or moving forward.

Other than those listed on my 101 things in 1001 days list (check back here tomorrow) I’m not setting targets. I am, however, changing habits – 3 each month. I’m calling it:

Three For Thirty

The idea is that I can build on these small changes as the year progresses and update my progress monthly in the Wellness Wednesday Link-ups. Over the course of the next 12 months, I’ll look at habits around food, movement, money, wellbeing, emotional health, relationships and more. It’s about continuous action rather than a number on the scales or a balance in the bank – but all linking through to support my long-term goals.

My habits for January are:

  • 30 minutes of activity each day
  • Tackle the Ballinger Road hill twice a week – on my first attempt I only made it halfway up!
  • Try one new healthy meal recipe each week

And, to get things started, here’s a recipe for Salmon Salad with Green Tahini Dressing…Super easy, super colourful, & super yum. Give it a try. (Apologies about the pic – the lighting was terrible and I just slopped everything on the plate).

Linking up on the 2nd Wednesday of each month with Natalie et al for Wellness Wednesday and with Leanne and Sue at MTSTL…


Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

27 thoughts

    1. Thanks for dropping by – I’m always looking for new ways to cook & serve salmon & this is a yummy one.

    1. Thanks. I figure if I keep them small even someone with my (non-existent) attention span can stick to them.

  1. This is fantastic, Jo. I’m excited for you and am here to cheer you on. Thank you for linking up on Wellness Wednesday. Next month’s link up is on Feb. 13. Optional prompt Healthy Heart.

    1. Thanks Natalie. I need the reminders to update progress & link to the linky – my attention span needs work!

  2. SO GLAD to have you join us for Wellness Wednesday. Will be back to learn more about 101 things in 1001 days. Have seen mention of it on several blogs but never an explanation!

    I appreciate the very specific goals you have set for yourself. We have a mountain road that we like to walk on early summer mornings. When we first start out each spring or early summer, I struggle to get up the first hill. My hubs and I need to bundle up and take on the canyon road this winter and then we won’t have to huff and puff so much when we walk it in the summer.

    1. This hill is ridiculous. My daughter has been doing it as training for some walking she’ll be doing in NZ next month & I know the car sometimes struggles, but I reckon it will easily take me 6 weeks to get to the top. Phew.

  3. I love this concept Jo. Tackling a smaller number of habits rather than trying to achieve everything at once will certainly show progress. What a wonderful goal of walking the Cotswolds I would love to do that. Well done and I know that you will achieve your Operation Excess Baggage. Great start to 2019 – You’ve got this!!! Thank you for linking up at #MLSTL and I’ll be sharing on Social Media. xx

  4. I adore your naming of things! Operation Excess Baggage, Three for Thirty. I’m a namer as well. I have Walk & Talks with friends. Some of those used to be Whine & Wines…. some still are, but the Walk & Talks are a bit better for excess baggage! 🙂

    Maybe I should take on one new recipe a week as well! Trying new recipes is on my to-do list. Thanks for the inspiration. Visiting from #MLSTL.

    1. Thanks Pat. I’m trying to come up with a name now for my Nigella blogging series – and my brain is empty of ideas.

  5. Hi Jo – it sounds like you’re being pretty intentional to me! Love all your micro goals and the reasons behind them. I think those walks – Hadrian’s Wall, Lakes District, Coast to Coast all look amazing – and I’d love to do one when we have more time in the future. (Bucket List!) Looking forward to reading your progress each month and thanks for linking up to MLSTL – I’ve shared this on my SM 🙂

    1. I was watching Tony Robinson’s Coast to Coast through the Lake District & it looked very tempting indeed…

  6. Took me a moment to work out Operation Excess baggage – love it!! All the best Jo, you seem well prepared and you are now accountable! Your recipes are always good 🙂 #mlslt

  7. Walking the Cotswold Way has been on my bucket list for years. I fear as I grow older, however, my walking stamina diminishes and that dream will not become a reality. Perhaps if I set my sights on 2021 (?)

    1. That’s why we’ve decided 2020. My husband will be 59 and I will be 53. It’s one of those things that I’m scared if we wait and keep waiting we won’t do. I heard of the tragic death yesterday of someone way too young in a freak accident and things like that make you realise you need to see opportunities and run towards them. Have a fabulous week.

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