The Ramble – June 5, 2024

This week’s ramble includes something about a Gull Screeching competition, the origins of the Nutbush, a writing update, and a Zucchini Fruit Loaf.

You’ll find it on my Substack here – and, as with all my Substack posts, it’s free to read.

Author: Jo

Author, baker, sunrise chaser

2 thoughts

  1. Substack is being a pill about a second comment and I was too faffed (copying you!) to do anything about it so I came back here to tell you the loaf turned out lovely.

  2. Jo, I tried posting on Substack, but to no avail. Anyway, love the Bridgerton photo. And, yes, you probably just gave away your identity, but since it’s out there a million times already, what’s the harm? The bread looks scrumptious.

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